
How to Work From
Home and
Get Stuff Done

An ever-increasing number of contractors and full-time employees
are working from home — or daydreaming about working from

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Create Some Space

Designate a workspace at home for those late nights.
This can be anywhere you have access to a flat surface
and adequate lighting that allows you to concentrate — a
desk, your kitchen table, a reading chair, just not your
bed! This helps your mind and body understand when
you’re in working mode and allows you to more
effectively transition to “home” mode when you’re done.


Stay Focused
on Work

In addition to your workload, you probably also have a
to-do list that includes going grocery shopping, washing
the dishes, and doing laundry. And it’s probably making
you sweat just thinking about how you’ll manage to get
everything done. My advice: Compartmentalize.
Prioritize the urgent to-do (your work project), and let
yourself off the hook with the others.


Quit Multitasking

On a similar note, don’t try to fit in the fun stuff on an
evening or weekend when you need to be working. If
you’re trying to squeeze in writing a blog post during the
commercial breaks of American Idol, chances are it
won’t be that good, and you’ll end up spending more
time on revising it later. Either commit to taking a break
from work for some fun or getting everything done now
so that you can enjoy yourself fully later.

Working after hours is one of those unfortunate facts of
life, but you can create rituals and boundaries that